Classting does not arbitrarily close or hide classes that are being used normally.
If you suddenly don't see your classes, please check the instructions below.
■ Check your account
You must be logged in to the account that created or joined the class to view it.
If you have multiple accounts, make sure you're logged in with the account that signed up for the class.
■ Unfavorite a class
If you're enrolled in more than one class, and you've marked certain classes as favorites, you won't see them in your class list unless you've marked them as favorites.
You can set your favorites by tapping the star on the "Classes" tab.
■ If you changed to an archived class
If the class administrator (teacher) has changed the class to 'Archived', it will not be displayed in the student or parent account. In this case, you can check it in "WEB → Go to class → All view → Archived class or All class table of contents".
※ You won't be able to see it in the app.